Cookie Clicker strategy guide (2024)

How Tos

By Alina Novichenko


iOS + Android

|Cookie Clicker

Cookie Clicker strategy guide (1)


Even though clicker games have already passed the peak of their popularity, many gamers worldwide still enjoy different clickers. These video games are incredibly straightforward, making them the perfect option to help you relax. Cookie Clicker is one of the best clicker games nowadays.

This article will teach you everything you need to know about Cookie Clicker. ThisCookie Clicker strategy guidemight significantly speed up your progress in the game.

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Cookie Clicker strategy guide (2)

While Cookie Clicker doesn’t have an endpoint, a strategy for this game is still essential. First, you must decide if you want to stay AFK and make the game farm cookies automatically, or play actively, clicking to reach the best cookies per second score.

Depending on this, you must invest money properly, purchasing boosts that will suit your strategy and stimulate growth.



Cookie Clicker strategy guide (3)

Cookies are the foremost thing in Cookie Clicker and the primary currency used to progress in the game. Once you get more experience, you should buy different cookie buildings to get them passively.

Even though you can upgrade old buildings, they get a significant increase in prices every time you invest. At some point, improving your old buildings will not be as profitable, and it would be best to focus on the new ones.

New buildings might be much more expensive, but your investment margin will be much higher if you invest in new technologies.



Cookie Clicker strategy guide (4)

As you know, cookies in Cookie Clicker are your leading resource. Even though the significant number of cookies on your account might satisfy your ego and make you feel better, accumulating cookies is one of the worst things you can do in the long run.

Different cookie-producing facilities give you profit. Even minor updates such as Cursor or Grandma significantly impacts your effectiveness. And as you progress in the game, cookie-producing facilities will become more and more beneficial, allowing you to earn millions of cookies per second.



Cookie Clicker strategy guide (5)

Even though this advice refers mainly to experienced players, beginners must know about Prestige and how it works. Each prestige level increases your total cookie production by 1% per second. It might seem like a minor improvement, but it allows you to reach the best result in the long run.

The only issue is getting Prestige levels. You need to Ascend to earn Prestige Points and increase your Prestige level. To do it, just press the Legacy button, which is located in the game’s main menu.

You will lose your progress and start over from scratch if you decide to Ascend. All your cookies will be converted into prestige and heavenly chips. Still, all the achievements will be saved on your account.



Cookie Clicker strategy guide (6)

Another essential resource in Cookie Clicker is Milk. It becomes handy during the late-game stages when you need to access the Kitten series of upgrades. Still, Milk cannot be obtained as quickly as cookies.

The best way to get Milk is to get new achievements. Even though the game doesn’t have a complete list of achievements that you can use to unlock the new ones, you can check the list of currently unlocked achievements by pressing the button Stats and entering the Statistics tab.



Cookie Clicker strategy guide (7)

You can find various valuable upgrades that can double the effectiveness of your cookie-producing facilities and increase coin production multiplier, CpS, and other vital stats in the store.

The only issue is that purchasing upgrades at the beginning game’s stages might cost you an arm and a leg. Still, as you increase CpS and get more cookies, getting upgrades becomes much more straightforward.

Consider that the most valuable updates are those that increase the effectiveness of cookie-producing facilities. They are the most beneficial, so investing money in them should be the priority.



Cookie Clicker strategy guide (8)

Getting the first billion cookies in Cookie Clicker is not only an essential personal achievement in the game but also an opportunity to move to the next stage. Getting one billion cookies unlocks Sugar Lump, a valuable resource that can help you progress.

Sugar Lumps are primarily used for upgrading buildings, which is necessary to progress in the game. Sugar Lump has a maturity period of 24 hours, which means that you should wait a day before using them for the highest effectiveness.



Cookie Clicker strategy guide (9)

If you get tired of playing Cookie Clicker, there is an excellent way to diversify your in-game experience and try something new in the game - mini-games. There are four different mini-games. Make sure to try each one so that you will never get bored in Cookie Clicker.

That’s it with the Cookie Clicker strategy guide. Just follow the particular tips from this guide, and you will progress in the game much faster. After getting this far, why not check out the Cookie Clicker: Garden guide and learn more about the Heavenly Chips?


Next Up :
Cookie Run Kingdom: Caramel Arrow Cookie Toppings and Beascuits guide

Cookie Clicker strategy guide (2024)


What is the most efficient way to get cookies in Cookie Clicker? ›

If you're stuck and far in the game, and don't want to ascend, here a good way to get money fast. If you have maxed out level farms, put golden clovers in every plot and switch to clay. make sure it's all in the same tick when you plant these. As these grow, your golden cookie frequency will increase by a lot.

Who is the #1 Cookie Clicker player? ›

Cookie Clicker
Ranking #Steam GamertagDate completed
1SephinomMay 8, 2023, 6:46 pm
2m3lonMay 8, 2023, 7:08 pm
3SHIRO: BLOOD & GUTS.May 8, 2023, 7:10 pm
4🄿ɸ🅃🅂🄲🄷🄸May 8, 2023, 7:10 pm
46 more rows

Are there cheat codes in Cookie Clicker? ›

If you're using the Edge browser, you need to press F12 to open the cheat panel in Cookie Clicker. When you see it, simply copy and paste in the code you want to use, making sure to put your desired number in the relevant place.

Is there a way to beat Cookie Clicker? ›

Can You Ever Really Beat Cookie Clicker? Despite there being no true ending to Cookie Clicker, many people consider beating the game as unlocking all upgrades and achievements. Over the years, DLC has added to this list, which means beating Cooke Clicker can take 100 hours or more.

How to get 999999 cookies in Cookie Clicker? ›

Type Game. Earn(number) into the console, making sure to replace number with the number of cookies that you want to generate. For example, if you want to generate virtually infinite cookies, you might type Game. Earn(999999999999999999999999999999) here.

What is the cheat button for Cookie Clicker? ›

The Basics of Cookie Cheating
  1. Control Shift K on Windows or Command Option K on Mac for Firefox.
  2. Control Shift J on Windows or Command Option J on Mac for Google Chrome.
  3. F12 on Windows or Mac for Microsoft Edge.
  4. Command Option C on Mac for Safari.
Apr 8, 2024

How to get the true neverclick? ›

On Cookie Clicker, there is a shadow achievement you can get called "True Neverclick" which recognizes that you bake one million cookies while not clicking the big cookie once. If you plan on doing this legitimately, you'll need to click on Golden Cookies at the start of your run, as you cannot click the big cookie.

What happens if you name yourself Orteil in Cookie Clicker? ›

A player naming their bakery "Orteil" will get an achievement called "God Complex" which is a shadow achievement. However, this lowers their CpS by 1% until the player renames their bakery.

Does Cookie Clicker ever end? ›

The goal of the game is to produce as many cookies (by clicking on the Big Cookie and buying buildings to produce them) as you can. There is no end to the game, but some believe getting all the achievements is technically seen as "finishing the game".

Is there a secret in Cookie Clicker? ›

There are many hidden references and Easter eggs sprinkled throughout Cookie Clicker. Many are hidden in achievements and upgrades. They are in the title of the achievement/upgrade, or the description.

How to start grandmapocalypse? ›

The Grandmapocalypse starts once you've accumulated over 1,000,000 cookies. The screen becomes covered in a shaking, flashing, tiled background of grandmas. As you gain more cookies, the Grandmapocalypse becomes more intense, with more images of different grandmas of various sizes and intensity beginning to show up.

How to get infinite golden cookies in Cookie Clicker? ›

To actually obtain Infinity cookies, use: Game.cookies = Infinity; Beware: The number of cookies displayed above the big cookie will not change from infinity if you reset the game and/or change the number of cookies in your bank.

Can you get NeverClick after ascending? ›

Make 1 million cookies with no cookie clicks. "This kinda defeats the whole purpose, doesn't it?" ↑ These achievements can only be obtained before ascending for the first time (or after ascending without gaining anything) or in Challenge Mode.

How many hours does it take to beat Cookie Clicker? ›

142 Hours - 681 Hours
Main Story38191h 23m
Main + Extras41457h 20m
Completionist52962h 57m
All PlayStyles131580h 53m

What are the 50 easiest achievements in Cookie Clicker? ›

  1. 1: What's In A Name. Rename your bakery by clicking on the bar above your cookie counter, and typing a name other than what is in the box already.
  2. 2: God Complex. ...
  3. 3: Wake and Bake. ...
  4. 4: Casual Baking and Just Wrong. ...
  5. 5: Tabloid Addiction. ...
  6. 6: Here You Go. ...
  7. 7: Tiny Cookie. ...
  8. 8: Olden Days.
Jun 26, 2023

Is there a faster way to get sugar lumps in Cookie Clicker? ›

The fastest way to get sugar lumps is by doing the following: Use Dragon's Curve and Supreme Intellect, save-scum to roll for golden sugar lumps and juicy queenbeets (Dragon's Curve makes this easier), and sacrifice your garden each time you've harvested said juicy queenbeets.

How do you get click really fast in Cookie Clicker? ›

To do this, you must press LEFT SHIFT + LEFT ALT + NUMLOCK. Then, simply spam 5 and + on the numpad on the far right side of the keyboard. This has the same effect as alternating between two fingers with a normal mouse. Many gaming mice have a dedicated double-click button.

How do you get more cookies per click on Cookie Clicker? ›

The player must click the big cookie to gain more cookies, or wait until a Golden Cookie appears (recommended to get the no-click achievements). Once the player has accumulated enough cookies, they can buy buildings and upgrades, which help the player gain cookies without clicking.

How do you get perfect cookies every time? ›

The key is to always use top-quality ingredients as they'll result in a better cookie; it really is that simple.
  1. Always use butter.
  2. Choose the right sugar.
  3. Choose the right flour.
  4. Check your flour is in date.
  5. Choose the right kind of chocolate.
  6. Cream the butter and sugar.
  7. Beat in the eggs.
  8. Fold in the flour.


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