1. peace sign sideways - Urban Dictionary
the normal peace sign but tilted. means "ayo wusaap" not used often except for taking pictures.
2. peace sign - Urban Dictionary
A pose, typically done for a camera, where the subject makes a completely solemn, "gangster-esque" face, and flashes a sign of two fingers, signifying peace.
The gay peace sign is used for a someone who is in the closet but still would like to show that they are gay. There is also one for a bisexual person but they do a finger gun or they point one finger to their side
3. chunk a deuce - Urban Dictionary
Throw up 2 fingers to mean peace out, later, adios. Throw up 2 fingers to show a sign of respect and/or greeting.
Throwing a peace sign sideways in the air, originally coined in H-town
4. peace-signs - Urban Dictionary
But if its sideways it means sh*ts bout to get real. They threw a peace sign at me sideways, yeah they must be Garden of olive OGS. by Timbo35slice December ...
when a pretty, nice, amazing girl falls in love with me i decide to forget all about her and start dating a chick that looks like a traumatising version of dora
3 sep 2010 · Some people also call the sign "deuces," and when they use it they call it "chunking the deuce" as a combination peace and goodbye sign. * * *.
What is the meaning of the sideways "peace" double-finger sign that teenagers sometimes flash? I watched a Miley Cyrus video and she displayed the symbol. I know that, pointed up, the sign in the...
6. douche fingers - Urban Dictionary
The sideways peace sign made popular by Hollywood promoters, or douchebags. Can consist of two double sideways peace signs, with at least one grey goose bottle ...
The sideways peace sign made popular by Hollywood promoters, or douchebags. Can consist of two double sideways peace signs, with at least one grey goose bottle in hand, and a blonde under each arm.
7. https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f87207fdd30...
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8. peace sign over eye - Urban Dictionary
A "basic bitch" pose. Used seriously, stereotypical white suburban girls place their fingers over their face in a crowd to say (basically) In jest.
A "basic bitch" pose. Used seriously, stereotypical white suburban girls place their fingers over their face in a crowd to say (basically) In jest, the pose is used to poke fun at aforementioned white suburban girls and often said with the tagline "fierce." Most people recognize it's a "basic bitch" thing to do and only use it in jest.
9. peace sign with thumb - Urban Dictionary
peace and love.. middle finger and index form peace , thumb and index form love.
peace and love.. middle finger and index form peace , thumb and index form love