Sideways Peace Sign Urban Dictionary (2024)

1. peace sign sideways - Urban Dictionary

  • the normal peace sign but tilted. means "ayo wusaap" not used often except for taking pictures.

2. peace sign - Urban Dictionary

  • A pose, typically done for a camera, where the subject makes a completely solemn, "gangster-esque" face, and flashes a sign of two fingers, signifying peace.

  • The gay peace sign is used for a someone who is in the closet but still would like to show that they are gay. There is also one for a bisexual person but they do a finger gun or they point one finger to their side

3. chunk a deuce - Urban Dictionary

4. peace-signs - Urban Dictionary

  • But if its sideways it means sh*ts bout to get real. They threw a peace sign at me sideways, yeah they must be Garden of olive OGS. by Timbo35slice December ...

  • when a pretty, nice, amazing girl falls in love with me i decide to forget all about her and start dating a chick that looks like a traumatising version of dora


  • 3 sep 2010 · Some people also call the sign "deuces," and when they use it they call it "chunking the deuce" as a combination peace and goodbye sign. * * *.

  • What is the meaning of the sideways "peace" double-finger sign that teenagers sometimes flash? I watched a Miley Cyrus video and she displayed the symbol. I know that, pointed up, the sign in the...

6. douche fingers - Urban Dictionary

  • The sideways peace sign made popular by Hollywood promoters, or douchebags. Can consist of two double sideways peace signs, with at least one grey goose bottle ...

  • The sideways peace sign made popular by Hollywood promoters, or douchebags. Can consist of two double sideways peace signs, with at least one grey goose bottle in hand, and a blonde under each arm.


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  • ‰PNG IHDR ¸ ó.(. “PLTEþÿüÿÿÿÆÇÄ š›™ÔÕÒÐÑδµ²êë荎Œ‹ŒŠº»¸€~¦§¥¾¿¼¡¢ŸUVT01/"$!decOPNab`HIG564Z\Y #÷øõrtqDECopnjli |}{uvt?@>ÂÃÀùú÷ÙÚ×ÜÝÚáâßö÷ôîïìäåâ«­ªñòïüýúÙþ&\ )IDATxÚíÜYsâ얦áuki˜G§mf$ýÿŸÒ'ÝÑç}ÖÝU»Œ B䗵m¾Ú\™áðâá×+#OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOeø ÿJ¸ec[ë_)ª¦NžîLG^T­öV%´gzô+\óMύü0|½¡>Lƒ-'TÕÿìFšY–µXÿp(ŒTûÞêõ(_ضVMÓtìM—vù'…áZÏ5[z0ŽÖȏ!TµòQE¾ ­òŸž†k›C=z©MÂ0l«öåÇÐWu{°ëŠÿÄ4^moô¢[½AXÛîz±—½«‡üLU¹s5‘?ð:úº5nyՍ[h“¸cý¡~æÈm±¾äœl [õÉ|PòD™ÈOÈÛ:á·ZTÄD»–cNºº5˜86€”"Ó.?ÔgfÈýXk‹¿”ÆÚ ÂN·¡;ã® €\Ç`œÈ÷ÃQ5{¼&ú›ýH³9ӝF·ïG†ñÊtŠÜFM]ä»±ºš±W|d˜rÄV4ê©ê{gXµ³˜=áU—ÈMyW3äÛÍî~xDëãHü†ÜÄAœÑ°£[‰±I #œrƒ:òݘjyãå2'jȽ7ӐµQI£I_wÆõI°Ê9ƒE½ŠÜ@ªmä{©Ý¹ÄÂAΑՑ=:孙½Eµ­5¿²ˆä¦nDUùVÈHß]¤³DŽÖ²G0âsvZRFf8Á°¡ª½æÛ´m[k ä ÚÃR·¥:G¾É@gR«†| ŠìÐ7‘=¢ó½ Í͖ŒœM‰Z 7јH)¨ª6lä;Gª£)C0DXF|Œ§ä Ö¯ù°ü®nýªyAÅv!›-¹McË@.@ªª>Èw"ªF ¥ˆÚ|¾›"[„3äÎa•ä†ÿ¢ªožq l|ä6ª”åñ¢®‘ïóžÎ6Ș}ä€ÔD¶è™œ®l`µukho Š¿bÜƪŽœƒ¤:Ví¬A¾IMÕä¼r€é#"jŸ%ÒöšºU÷lä!Kä¶LmΗ¶N{—ðä[¨Öo^.Þ 9`TEDh͐OlÞwiLëµ?*Èm4Mäl¬PU^öíyÄ¡jUhw‘"¬ÎË7Tµº«ÖkdÍí§&CD€Ø©é–¿ ä{w´n!7aê 9™bˆÎ·ƒÌOÊc¤L"k¹Ž¡º¯¢é»jcZ‰ù‰]W›‚”Kน³8N+ù¾Ó諜'¢.Ÿù­¸¬¥-`î × ­÷¨ÝЭÉR@¾›ž†‚”Ꙉ°<6š d«1CN0y?©á¯YÎ)©¤l mp­Ä„³±ªŽ›Uëägn–sÉÓqk‰H2îʋý÷cœowY7ÒÆxR¤ˆ´y#‘"`å4_TµzËW@~ž‘[O}À?TM¨¨ÍóQGO"!\x¤ˆ¾ f9bMªú>1¬ŸÃF{reltÀ¾wh¸ÚG¾°TR=)­Àª‰±ÔœMùñ|ÚPÕÎäÆÏbxOy[™454Œé¨ÓÒ9B&Ðe-‚³eQ€1ˆXk,WFºÕŠ2@~««Åm ‘ÔX«zÙ*íéAŸ»2ªs¦„MC5ÿú©:R„7‚Þ Œ©ªŽ§ó,yL¯•T±åUM—n]wjf%‰ß[“XÖpfˆ€y2P[oRÀf³€cÚ²s@m\_rËѳ¾j;µ\ Þk`M9mQcx9NÂll+‘ ªd¦nµ+9Èã ymÁ5âl2àP-›³_֎?Ž¾Öi% ì·Tu4Çò>Ž¥ÕDŠ‰Tá¤Éx$ç‡4‡Y{¨”M¿`™uÕ®¹ y0T´‰”â…’DäS¢Mæûçʚ~¡ãòvN1Ž...

8. peace sign over eye - Urban Dictionary

  • A "basic bitch" pose. Used seriously, stereotypical white suburban girls place their fingers over their face in a crowd to say (basically) In jest.

  • A "basic bitch" pose. Used seriously, stereotypical white suburban girls place their fingers over their face in a crowd to say (basically) In jest, the pose is used to poke fun at aforementioned white suburban girls and often said with the tagline "fierce." Most people recognize it's a "basic bitch" thing to do and only use it in jest.

9. peace sign with thumb - Urban Dictionary

  • peace and love.. middle finger and index form peace , thumb and index form love.

  • peace and love.. middle finger and index form peace , thumb and index form love

Sideways Peace Sign Urban Dictionary (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.